Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks to Joshua for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.
The rules in accepting this award: Thank the person who nominated you. Tell 7 things about yourself so that your readers may learn more about you and nominate 7 other newly discovered bloggers and let them know you nominated them.

1. I am in school full time. Senior year! yay!
2. I am a wife. And mother of four beautiful, wonderful children, two boys, two girls.
3. Growing up I moved three times, in the same town. Married, I have moved 15 times, in three different states.
4. I am the third child out of nine.
5. I am terrified of water and still can't swim. (Even movies with the ocean get my heart racing)
6. I was the Salutatorian (Ranked 2nd) at my high school graduation.
7. My mother passed away from Pancreatic Cancer in 2005. November is National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month.

7 Versatile Bloggers

1. Domestic Ventures! - this is my sister's blog.  She is SO creative and makes the cutest stuff. This is what I do on my downtime...craft!

2. If Only I had Super Powers - An SLP's blog that I have read and gained great tips from.

3. Play on Words - Great tips for play speech therapy. It doesn't have to all be drill.

4. Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits - A teacher with fun tips that can be used in any classroom.

5. Speech Lady Liz - A great place for speech games and homework.

6. Free Language Stuff - Every SLP needs help with ideas, and who doesn't love free!

7. Mommy Speech Therapy - A great resource when you have questions and get help. Also, the best therapy for kids is in the home!

There are SO many resources out there. I LOVE the internet and the ease with which we can share ideas and tips and games and frustrations.  There are many more out there!